Accomplished Medical Researcher

Stephen M. Black is currently a Regents Professor at Georgia Regents University, and spends a considerable amount of his time conducting medical research. He is involved in six medical research projects, which he discusses in detail on his personal blog, and has many more pending projects. Following completion of a project, Stephen M. Black shares what he has learned with the medical community by publishing his findings in journal articles. These articles are then reviewed by a group of his peers before being included in some of the medical community’s most prestigious publications. Stephen M. Black’s research has been featured in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Journal of Molecular Science, and Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Over 150 articles featuring his research have been published since 1989, when his first article appeared in Carcinogensis. One of Stephen M. Black’s most recent articles, which appeared in a 2011 issue of the American Heart Association’s Circulation, has received considerable attention:


Early Determinants of Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in Animal Models of Complex Congenital Heart Disease

This article reviewed the state of medical knowledge concerning early changes in the pulmonary vasculature resulting from persistent systemic-to-pulmonary arterial shunting in newborn lambs, and how that knowledge changed following Stephen M. Black’s research. His study aimed to achieve a clearer understanding of the role of early vascular dysfunction in the development of pulmonary hypertension associated with single ventricle physiology.

Read the full article here:


While Stephen M. Black has been published in a number of established medical journals, he has also been asked to share his work in new journals. These publishers recognize that publishing an article by Stephen M. Black will enhance their own reputation, lending credibility for the new publication throughout the medical community. In 1994 he wrote an article for the very first issue of the journal Neurobiology of Disease:


NOS induction by NGF in basal forebrain cholinergic neurones: evidence for regulation of brain NOS by a neurotrophin

This article explained how nerve growth factor (NGF) serves as a trophic factor cholinergic neurons. Stephen M. Black’s research results indicated that brain nitric oxide synthase (NOS) can be regulated by a neurotrophic factor, suggesting that NGF influences brain function by regulating production of acetylcholine and nitric oxide.

Read the full article here:


Learn more about Stephen M. Black’s medical research by visiting his blog:

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